Thursday 27 September 2007

Blogs Being Shut Down

Recently a few blogs speaking out about Russian/Uzbekh billionaire, Alisher Usmanov, the man trying to buy out Arsenal football club have been taken down.

The blogs were speaking against the billionaire, highlighting his criminal record and things he doesn't want you to know.

In my opinion this is ridiculous as everyone is entitled to free speech and expressing their opinion. Just because Mr Usmanov doesn't want people to know about his past, it shouldn't give him the right to get blogs shut down.

In a case settled out of court:
the company demon Internet was sued for malicious comments posted on its newsgroup servers and faces bills of up to £500,000.

The Internet is of course all set by terms and conditions but I personally think this is crazy

I just think the world has gone mad if you have no right to speak your mind in a blog. The whole point of a blog is to express personal feelings.


Duncan said...

Good report, Darren. Freedom of speach is one thing, but did the person break the law in making them? Was it libellous?

I like that you stated your feelings on the matter. result

At the time of posting, the site is back in the blogosphere, so a bit more digging could have been done. Use the journalism skills that you are starting to show, Darren.

Darren679 said...

Thanks for the comment, i will try harder next time

Tank Trouble 2 said...

This article is interesting